Rabu, 20 April 2011


A child shells towing complained to her mother. Sharp grain of sand into a flabby body. "My son, God did not give us a hand, so that mothers can not help you. Mother knew, was ill, but take it as destiny. Strengthen the heart, spirit muster against a painful bite. swathe of sand that the sap in your stomach. That's all you can do, 'said his mother with a mellow and soft with tears. Children shellfish complied ... Sometimes the pain was so great, so she had doubts her mother's advice. With tears, he survived, not just day after day ....... but for years without realizing it, a pearl begins to form in the flesh. more and more refined. The pain was diminishing. the greater the longer the pearl. the pain eventually disappeared altogether. Now ......... a big pearl, whole glossy, high-priced and perfectly formed. sufferings produce stunning results. he has become very precious!

Story from Association of Handsome 'n Beautiful People on Facebook

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